Alliance of Nations helping
People and Communities

Treaty Registration #RE222805059US
UN OHCHR Registry 06 JUL 2015
ANPC Nation #RE222805045US
The Hague Registry 07 JUL 2015
We receive many inquiries in regards to a PASSPORT to travel. As we know, our RIGHT TO TRAVEL is one of our most fundamental rights, and if this right is hindered in any way, nearly EVERY OTHER God given right is also restricted!!
When it comes to passports, it is most difficult to know what to do, since we DO NOT want to be pulled back into the jurisdiction of a 14th amendment US CITIZEN.
Below, we are presenting you with a couple of choices that you can research. We are not necessarily condoning either, and ask that you research thoroughly and CAREFULLY before deciding as we believe there are other options that need to be researched.
First choice:
The World Service Authority World passport:
The mandate for the WORLD PASSPORT is Article 13(2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Everyone has the right to leave any country, including one's own, and to return to one's country.
The World Passport is a 30 page Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD*) with alphanumeric code line, scanned-in passport photo and "ghost" security paper with embedded logo, the data page laminated, in 7 languages:
English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Esperanto.
Each passport is numbered and each page contains the World Citizen logo as background. Two pages are reserved for affiliate identifications: diplomatic corps, organizations, firms, etc. There are nineteen visa pages. In the inside back cover, there is space for home address, next of kin, doctor, employer, driving license no. and national passport/identity number. The cover is blue with gold lettering.
SPECIAL NOTES: It is VERY IMPORTANT when ordering the WSA Passport, that you get an EXIT VISA and a RESIDENCY PERMIT from them when you place your order. The RESIDENCY PERMIT MUST MATCH YOUR FOREIGN ADDRESS ON YOUR IDP!!
Also, send a copy of your ANPC ID along with your order and ask them to place it in your passport on the diplomat pages.
The WSA passport works well with the ANPC ID and IDP and has a place near the bottom of the last page for you to enter your ID number and IDP number. Also, on the top of the back page, be sure to enter your Domicile address to match the Foreign address on the IDP where your name trust is established. You can also contact WSA and find out more on how to use the passport at:Tel: (202) 638-2662 Fax: (202) 638-0638 E-mail: info@worldservice.org
Second Choice:
United States Passport:
If attempting to obtain this passport, please be very cautious and highly recommend you not try it until you have completed the perfected title pkg and notified all the agencies. We know that establishing your standing as a union state "citizen" on the land is powerful, however, we have found that the Dept of State is VERY LOATH to allow anyone this standing and seem to do anything in their power to make you back into a 14th amendment citizen in the application process. That being said, carefully read the link above by clicking on the READ MORE button. Weigh your options carefully and decide for yourself!!